Discovery Writers
Who we are
Discovery Writers enjoy the written word, sharing insights, humour and drama through stories, memoirs and poems.
What we do
We meet on the last Tuesday of each month (not January) to read and discuss our current works. Each year we choose a writing theme and upskill our knowledge through workshops. Discovery Writers welcomes all who enjoy writing to come and share in our friendship afternoons.
Meetings - Where and When
Miles Franklin room, Hurstville Library, Dora St, Hurstville
1.00 - 3.00pm, last Tuesday of the month (except January and December)
But wait ... there's more ...
Our 2024 Theme is 'Let's Start a Conversation'
Mar:War (Hostility)
Nov:Intelligence (AI or I)
There's a well-known catchprase, 'We need to have a conversation', but one never seems to eventuate. Discovery Writers will respond to this plea by actually starting the conversation on controversial topics. Our year will also explore the world of language, discussing symbolism and euphemism and many more.
Monthly topics are not mandatory - but simply descriptive inspiration starters.
If you would like to join us, please contact us via email.

Community Group Award
Discovery Writers are the recipients of a Community Group Achievement Award - for outstanding services to the St George Community. Presented by Mark Coure MP, the award is welcome and especially prized. It recognises the many members who give their support and work behind-the-scenes to keep the art of writing alive in the community.
If you have always wanted to write, now is a great time to start. Come along and meet our outstanding writers.
Current projects
Personal projects, haiku to novel.
For 2024 'Let's Start a Conversation'.
Any questions? Email us: click to send
Copyright of the material on this site remains with the author of each text.
No part of this website may be copied, except with permission of the author.
Discovery Writers also express our appreciation for support under the Library Programs of Georges River Libraries.
Next meetings
Date: Last Tuesday of the month (not Jan)
Place: Hurstville Library
Time: 1.00 - 3.00pm
Business meeting as required
Margaret R
email: click to send
Useful Links
The 2023 Anthology: 'Word Play'

Winning entries from the 2023 Writing Competition
Available now: $13 + $2 post.
Please email for details.
The 2022 Anthology: Word Play
The 2021 Anthology: VOCAL
The 2020 Anthology: Journey: Going Forward, Going Back
The 2019 Anthology: Dreams & Scenes
The 2018 Anthology: Eat Our Words
The 2017 Anthology: Short Cuts: All Things Small and Great.
The 2016 Anthology: Memoir Magic
For details please see our prose page.